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Editor's Review:
Huddle is a platform for delivering multimedia presentations across the web to anything from small groups of people to large audiences. The application is not designed to be interactive like a traditional web conferencing tool, but is optimized for delivering high quality presentations. If this is what you need to do then Huddle provides an excellent method for doing so.
Unlike many of the web conferencing tools we have looked at, Huddle does not aim to provide two way web conferencing facilities. While a web conferencing tool could be compared to a group of people meeting round a table, Huddle could be compared to a large seminar with a few presenters on stage. The application allows you to upload content, including sound, images and PowerPoint presentations, and present this during the event using streaming audio and video. It is possible to promote participants to presenter so that they can also broadcast, but in general it is likely to be just a single person or small group presenting.
During a Huddle event only one person can talk at a time so communication is not handled in the traditional teleconferencing manner. Participants can request the microphone and the presenter has the power to grant them permission to speak if they wish. Presenters can use both audio and video broadcasting from a microphone or webcam attached to their computer and Huddle integrates this with the presentation stream. Everyone during the meeting has the ability to use the text chat facilities which allow one to one messaging or public broadcasts.
Huddle provides a lot of useful features for managing the events broadcast from your account. An admin panel is provided so that you can keep track of past and future events easily and look at attendance records of previous events. Events that have been recorded can also be managed here and can be made available for streaming through the Huddle website.
Huddle is a useful and well designed application for presenting over the internet. Guests can easily join events without having to download anything and the attractive user interface makes it easy for them to understand what is happening. The prices are quite reasonable and easily justifiable when you take into account how much you could save on transport costs etc. A free version for up to three participants is also available so that you can try before you buy.
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